Don the Con

©2016 Garrett Clevenger



C       Don the Con, campaigns on    everything that is dumb.

G       Donald Trump     makes the stump look fun.


D                 Long ago when Trump went broke. He only had a billion bucks to

A                 spend,         oh, wasn't that so sad. L

G    A    D   Then be realized   he could be a star on TV.


E                 He was the boss, a bad ass one.       But why would anyone

B                 want to       work for Donald Trump?

A    B    E   When you realize he's opened up his mouth to yell “You're fired!”




D                 The Donald then had a plan.             He'd pull the biggest scam

A                 even when            no one thought he can.

G    A    D   Now we realize     hier Trump was right.


E                 One by one he shot them down,        all while acting like a clown.

B                 Made me miss the days           of Bush and Cheney,

A    B    E   when I realized     just how much worse Trump will be.





D                 It doesn't matter what he says.                   The GOP now owns this mess.

A                 They put their party      above country.

G    A    D   Don't they realize                    Trump is a disgrace to everybody.


E                 Starting with his family.                   His wives and daughter. Doesn't he

B                 seem           really creepy.

A    B    E   Parents realize                he sets a horrible example.





D                 Who hasn't Trump attacked,            besides the Klu Klux Klan

A                 and not because             they terrify him.

G    A    D   Who hasn't realized       Trump isn't a total white bread racist.


E                 Let's build the wall. Kick out the browns   and while we're at it lets burn the

B                 whole place                    down to the ground.

A    B    E   Unless we’ve realized              the USA should not be homogenized.





D                 The jokes on us.   He removed his mask. Says "It was hilarious!

A                 “to see you all obsessed about me.”

G    A    D   "Then I realized I'm more than a crazy actor."


E                 But of course we laugh too.     "Now we'll all vote for you!

B                 "President Trump,                   your time is due.

A    B    E   “We're glad we realized          you’re really a good guy.”

