20) The Genetics of Enlightenment          19) The Hike

            Darkness all around, do I try to think of
            what I found in my head last night?
            Do I keep 'em closed? Or should I turn on the light?
            Open up my eyes to see it's not a dream we seem to sleep thru
            but a scene in which we hope we have found the light,
            it's all around, I see it in your eyes
            when you hold me tight, squeezing out the sponge that soaks
            the sweat off my brow, giving me what I want.
            Now I know why you hope, when I woke, to tell you
            what I found in my head last night.

                                                                                                Malcolm Mohil

             Becky was taking a genetics class as an elective. It was an introductory class explaining the history of genetic discoveries, basic functions of DNA and simple discussions on plant and animal breeding. She liked the class, though she found it was sometimes complex and hard to follow.
            Malcolm was interested in the class as well and often times he would sit in on the lectures. Ironically, Malcolm was able to understand the class better than Becky and many of the other students in the class. He asked the professor more questions than the other students during class and engaged in conversations with the professor during his office hours. The professor realized Malcolm wasn't officially enrolled in the class, but since he was inquisitive during the lectures and started discussions that sparked other students' interest in the subject, the professor with a wink and a nod encouraged Malcolm to continue attending.
            Malcolm learned all kinds of facts about DNA he was assimilating into his philosophy of love. The more he learned about DNA, the more he became convinced there was something miraculous happening on the cellular level that went beyond normal scientific thinking. He often spent more time contemplating how it all connected together than on his schoolwork.
            One day, Malcolm ran into Becky's house extremely excited. He had a revelation about evolution that, if it were true, would revolutionize his philosophy of love. He was full of joy and love he willingly lavished on her.
            "Sweetheart! Why are you so excited!" she asked.
            "I've realized something extremely amazing! Becky Bee, I think I found out how we can achieve our neocortex evolution. And we can do it in our own lifetime."
            He was pacing back and forth, making her nervous.
            "Come here, my crazy love. Sit down with me and share your thoughts."
            He obliged, sat down, kissed her passionately on the lips and began.
            "Taking that genetics class with you has been extremely enlightening. I'm continually being amazed by the elegance of our genes. To think within all our cells is a chemical so intricate it's the blueprint of our bodies is mind-boggling. To think DNA expresses itself to produce amino acids, which combine to make proteins and hormones and other substances to regulate our bodies, is equally phenomenal. To think this all happens without our conscious mind regulating it is almost impossible to believe. Yet this occurs in every living thing on this planet!
            “You know geneticists consider half our DNA to be ‘junk’ because they don’t know what it’s there for. They say this junk DNA has no use for our normal body functions. It doesn't ever express itself to make proteins or hormones like other parts of our genes do. Junk DNA isn’t useless, though."
            "Neurologists say we’re not using the full potential of our brain. Most of our brain lies latent, dormant, and asleep. Perhaps they think this useless part of the brain is 'junk,' too. For some reason, we have a neuronal capacity that goes far beyond the average person's brain development.
            "This excess DNA and brain mass shouldn't be there of it were junk. The body wouldn’t waste its energy to create something that's useless. Evolution insures we would be designed more efficiently. That is, we only would pass on and inherit what's needed for survival. I think our bodies have this excess DNA and brain mass for a reason."
            He paused to gather his thoughts and then continued.
            "When we begin to let our love flow, when we create bonds with Universe, we begin to resonate with energies previously blocked from us. This information resonates into parts of our brain, probably the mid brain. This new information causes our brain to produce different chemical signals to be made by the ‘junk’ DNA. New hormones are produced and passed through our nervous system, activating our endocrine glands. The ‘junk’ DNA in our endocrine glands expresses itself, which causes physiological changes to occur in our bodies.
            "Depending upon the energy we’re resonating with, the body will respond appropriately. If the energy's a profound thought such as knowing the medicinal property of a particular plant, our body will feel what that property is and perhaps have a healing response.
            "If the energy is enlightenment, our body will produce a cascade of events to allow enlightenment to work through the body and affect the consciousness. The latent parts of our brain will activate, creating a new neural network allowing us to think differently. By thinking differently, we create alternative realities to our present existence. A feedback loop occurs, where more information's received by the brain causing more ‘junk’ DNA to express itself. We thus become awakened, enlightened, fuller, richer beings. We begin to glow and feel light, thus our haloes and auras become stronger and we grow wings like the angels. A completed being would become a Christ or a Buddha and would now truly be God manifest in a physical body."
            "Are you saying our genes are necessary for enlightenment?" Becky asked.
            "Well, our genes are necessary for everything. Particularly, though, this ‘junk’ DNA, the genes we don't normally need for everyday survival, is important for this process to unfold. Why wouldn't it be?
            "Our behaviors change based on a particular days events or mind space. That is, we may have a stressful day causing our genes to produce stress hormones. Conversely, I may think happy thoughts and my genes will produce happy hormones. This is our ‘normal’ gene response.
            "Let's say I start to expand my thoughts outside of my normal thinking. Let's say I focus on healing an ailment like cancer. My thoughts will resonate to the ‘junk’ DNA in the immune system, which will produce the appropriate antibodies to fight the cancer. 

            "It’s been shown patients who visualize their white blood cells attacking cancer cells in their body have a remarkable ability to cease their cancer. Perhaps it's because they're sending thoughts to their genes to produce antibodies to fight the cancer effectively. It’s not a miracle answered by God in a typical sense, but an ability granted by God as part of our very existence. Maybe the genes affected contain some of this ‘junk’ DNA. The ‘junk’ DNA geneticists currently view as being useless just needs an appropriate circumstance to make itself useful, if we believe this healing scenario is a possibility. We’re kind of like a 3D printer. All we need is the right code and our DNA prints out the proteins to build the intended structure.
            "Maybe the immune system would normally fight the cancer, but having this extra conscious boost encourages the immune system to fight harder by building more resilient proteins. Maybe the attitude of the person's just as important as drug therapy. Perhaps this is why patients who have a will to live often times survive longer than those who are apathetic or have surrendered to the ailment.
            "Let's expand this a bit more. Let's say a person loses his hand. Let's say he really wants his hand back and learns about the resonation technique. This person spends all his time visualizing having his hand back. In his mind, he sees himself tossing a ball, climbing a tree, writing and doing things he did with his hand before the accident. He forgets he lost his hand. He becomes convinced his hand still exists. In his mind, he has created a blueprint of his hand. This blueprint has a particular energy code associated with it. This code resonates through his nervous system to the end of his arm. This program triggers the ‘junk’ DNA adjacent to the area where his hand used to be. This ‘junk’ DNA triggers the cells to reproduce and convert into the appropriate cells necessary to rebuild the missing hand. Since the DNA already contains the blueprint of the person's hand, the new hand's practically identical to the old hand.
            "This sounds impossible, but theoretically, it makes complete sense. Why shouldn't it work?"
            "Then why doesn't stuff like that happen? I've never heard of anybody rebuilding lost limbs. Events like that would be news worthy," Becky said.
            "I know. I guess it’s like synchronicities. We've all had serendipitous things occur to us, things beyond coincidence, yet we shrug them off as if it were by chance. We ask, 'Why don't things like that happen more consistently if they're truly psychic phenomena?'
            "We can't hold a thought with our mind straight for more than a minute, so how could we expect miracles to occur more consistently? How could we create a blueprint powerful enough to affect our genes and thus regenerate a lost limb? Have you seen how long it takes 3D printers to work? It’s serious processing power and things can still get jammed. Upgrades are required to enhance function.
            "The thing is, some animals like salamanders can regenerate lost limbs. If the potential's there for some animals, it probably's there for other animals. Perhaps it's possible for humans once the neocortex upgrades take hold.

            "We believe we’re at the whims of the world. We believe we need doctors and medicines to cure our sicknesses. We believe we're our bodies. How could we expect to be greater than our bodies when our bodies control our emotions and thus our moods and behaviors?
            "I think it's because we’ve limited our brain power. We’ve limited the ability of our minds. We believe miracles are for the lunatics or the mythological figures. How could we expect to be greater beings when we’ve been conditioned to accept our limitations?
            "We believe all this because it’s easy. We're lazy and we want someone rather than ourselves to take care of us. Plus, we haven't been taught how to be greater beings. Society tends to discourage that.
            "Well, maybe we have been taught, just not explicitly. Maybe we've been given pieces to the puzzle in scripture and scientific papers. We just need to fit them together to see the whole picture. Perhaps it’s individually determined. Perhaps it’s a truth everyone can use. All I know is I believe I have a picture that’s becoming more complete. 
            "Do you know what a hologram is?"
            "Yeah, it’s a representation of a three dimensional object portrayed by light, right?" Becky answered.
            "Right. A hologram's an object produced when light passes through a photograph that has a particular resonant pattern printed on it. When you look at the photograph, it appears to be random lines crisscrossing each other. You wouldn’t be able to determine what the photograph was an image of. It needs to have some sort of focused energy pass through it to make it visible. It's almost as if the hologram's made manifest on a different dimension than the physical photo. It just needs light to transmute it.
            "If you cut the photograph into many bits, each bit produces the complete image when light passes through it. Each bit contains the information of the whole."
            "That's pretty interesting. It's kind of like our cells, where each cell contains the picture of the entire body in the DNA."
            "Exactly. Every cell contains the entire genetic pattern of the individual, which is counter-intuitive. Why would a heart cell contain the information of a brain cell? Why does each bit of a cut-up holographic photo contain the information of the whole?

            "Scientists studying stem cells, the original embryonic cells occurring in the early stages of an organisms development, are finding how plastic they are. That is, these cells can become different types of cells for different parts of the body.
            "Stem cells are different from other cells in the body. Heart cells will only produce a heart. Liver cells only a liver, and so on. With stem cells, scientist can create any part of the body with the appropriate prodding.

            "Stem cells are what allows a lizard to regrow a tail and a salamander to regrow a lost leg. For some reason, certain cells in the leg are able to regress back to stem cells which allows for this regeneration to occur. The leg grows back out of the stem cells.

            "Like light passing through a bit of a holographic photo, that bit of stem cells can create any and every part of the complete lizard due to resonating with the code that determines the shape it will become.

           "It's theorized this may be possible for other organisms. That is, with the appropriate prodding, a heart cell would become a stem cell and thus be used to clone the organism it came from."
            "Perhaps this would explain how the guy who lost his hand was able to regrow a new one," Becky extrapolated. "So, I guess that’s not too far out. The only difference between him and a scientist is he's working in his body with his mind where the scientist is working in a test tube with particular chemicals."
            "And those chemicals are likely to be hormones scientists will discover are needed to regress the heart cell back into a stem cell. Hormones our genes, maybe the 'junk' DNA, can produce if given the appropriate prodding. Prodding that’s information generated by the will of the mind. Mind that consciously produces a focused intent to heal the body. Intent that’s the blueprint resonating to the genes to produce the hormones to create the stem cells to regrow the hand to wave a peace sign." 
            "Nice theory, Malcolm."
            "One step further:
            "Our reality, what we see, hear and feel, is a hologram of the resonant pattern in our brain. Our brain's like the photograph; our reality's like the hologram. Realty's created when we shine our passion or energy through our brain via conscious intention. That is, what we witness is a result of what's in our brain, which may be real or not.
            "By developing a new neural network with the unused portion in our brain by expanding our minds, we create a new resonate pattern in our brain. This pattern resonates out into Universe via our aura. A new holographic image is then molded to fit this new resonate pattern. Thus, our realty changes to fit our new thought pattern. A hallucination now tangible to more than just the hallucinator.
            "It all fits together. Our body is the holographic image of our DNA. Our reality is a holographic image of our mind. Our consciousness is a holographic image of God. Like a hologram, every person's a bit of love, the resonant pattern of God. Every person contains the information of the whole in their mind, just as every cell in the body contains the information of the whole in the DNA. This is a resonant response of Truth, the very thing responsible for it all.” 

            "You lost me," Becky sighed.

            "I found me, maybe," Malcolm replied in a chuckle. “Words are only so useful trying to express something beyond words.

            "When referring to the miracles he performed, Jesus Christ said, 'It’s not me who does these things, but my Father within me.' He also said 'The Kingdom of Heaven is within,' because he knew we’re created in the image of God's love. He said, 'All that I do, you can do and more,' because he knew we all are children of God and can live life using Christ as our ideal.

            "Christ was an all loving being who understood the power of resonance. He banished Satan, which was his personality, that which fears. He created miracles by resonating his thought out into Universe. He communed in the wilderness, as do those seeking vision quests, because he knew in the purity of nature is God's complete resonation of love. He purified himself completely by surrendering his body and allowing it to be crucified. He sacrificed who he thought he was to who he knew he was. He realized he wasn't his physical body but resided in his Universal body. He knew he was God and lived his life expressing God by loving. He resonated and became whole. He transmuted his body and ascended into Heaven.
            "The story of Jesus is a resonant response of Truth. It's an allegory showing the path to enlightenment, to salvation, to 'sitting at the right hand of God.' It's the story of us waking up to our heritage. Jesus isn't an idol, but an ideal. If we follow the lifestyle of Jesus by loving completely, we're bound to discover we’re also the sons and daughters of God, we’re the God that created us. It’s so mysteriously obvious."

"It explains a lot," Becky said as she gave him a hug. "Maybe you’re on to something. Just don’t tell anyone. They might send you to the loony bin."

Malcolm laughed and said, "I’d certainly think I was a madman if I were a stranger listening to me conjecture. Jesus wasn’t the only crucified for speaking his truth."


21) Moving In