The Young Song

©2007 Garrett Clevenger


C                 Everybody says                 you will change my world.         Like you haven't already?

C                 Everybody tellin' me          I'll wonder where the time         went before you, baby,

F                  were born before my eyes on the Second of July,   desiring a suckling.

C                 I remember when       I was young like him.    To the past I have changed.


C                 A parent holds his child     and sees himself inside,             not just in DNA.

C                 Our memories from when we were like our kin                  and did not always obey

F                our parents who held our hand and helped us understand and insured we wouldn't stray.

C                 They remembered, too,     being young like you.    To the past they have changed.



F    G    C                    Take me back to the past,       my boy,            we'll both discover why

F    G    C                    changes            that occur                                 often make us cry

F    G    C    Am          in joy                and in sorrow,                         in anger and surprise.

F    G    F  Em  C        I remember       being young again                     when I look into your eyes.


C                A million generations         of babies being born.                Things are still the same

C                despite the luxuries            to make life easier.                    Some simple things remain.

F                Like passin' time with Young, Cami, Cleo and Mom.         We've got our own gang.

C                I remember being young, a bit older than my son.  To the past I have changed.

