Mr. Squirms

©2016 Garrett Clevenger


D                     He squirms all around like a worm on the ground.
D  A  D          He is Mr. Squirms.
G  D  G D A    He wiggles and squiggles his legs and his arms,    fingers, head and toes.
D  G  A G D    He can't sit still for long until     he passes out in a doze.

D                     He squirms all around like a worm on the ground.
D  A  D          He is Mr. Squirms.
G  D  G D A    If he could fly he'd soar in the sky        higher than any guy.
D  G  A G D    If he could swim flappin' his limbs       heÕd join the little fry.


A        G    D          He is Mr. Squirms, wiggling as he learns to use his
A        G    D          arms, legs and body as he discerns the world
A        G    D          that turns        like a quern.
A                              He's Mr. Squirm.

D                     He squirms all around like a worm on the ground.
D  A  D          He is Mr. Squirms.
G  D  G D A    Flippin' and floppin' and flappin' so free.       No oneÕs so squirmy as he.
D  G  A G D    I try to pick him up but it's hard          since he's so wiggly.

D                     He squirms all around like a worm on the ground.
D  A  D         He is Mr. Squirms.
G  D  G D A    I decide to give it a try.       I lay on the ground and I squirm.
D  G  A G D    Everyone just thinks I'm real weird.    At least I'm not taciturn.




A        G    D          HeÕs Mr. Squirms.

