Monkies and Hippies

©2007 Garrett Clevenger



D    G        Are you a Right Wing monkey     or a Left-leanin' hippy?

D    A        There's one sure fire way to know.

D    G        Are you a Right Wing monkey or a Left-leanin' hippy? 

                  Are you proud of being clean or would you rather be sticky?

D  A  D     One just stinks while the other never changes his clothes.


A    D        Come to church with me, hippy.  I got somethin' for you to see.

A    D        We'll wake up early so we            can get the best seat.

G    D        I know you are lazy, certifiably crazy and the preacher thinks the fate of your soul's pretty hazy.

A    D        So step into line    and let the light shine on thee.




A    D        Come to the show with me, monkey.       I got somethin' for you to see.

A    D        We'll be stayin' up late                              so get lots of sleep.

G    D        I know you are prude and rarely get rude except when you think your guy's the only dude,

A    D        but let's let loose                                       and party on 'til morning.




A    D        Faith will set you free, hippy.                   Don't question authority.

A    D        Communists will take away my wealth    and give it to you lazies

G    D        who are fornicatin', desecratin',                with abortion, family hatin'.

A    D        You should all be rounded up                  and we'll throw away the key.




A    D        Truth will set you free, monkey.               Question authority.

A    D        Power has always corrupted men             who exploit all the sheep

G    D        who obey the word, no matter how absurd, though it'll never be proven or ever be heard.

A    D        The world would still be flat and you'll never evolve from a monkey.

