Do You Suppose?

©2017 Garrett Clevenger


F  G  F  G     Do you suppose there's a reason               seasons change

F  G  F  G     ever more quickly                                            making me feel strange?

F  G  F  G     Do you suppose there’s a power              that controls the flow?

F  G  F  G     If I could ever tap it                                        I'd make it go slow.

F C D              Do you suppose?


F  G  F  G     Do you suppose there were people          way back in time

F  G  F  G     Who never knew the meaning                    of losing your mind?

F  G  F  G     Do you suppose all their problems          were less than yours?

F  G  F  G     In the end it don't matter                               when your dead of course.

F C D              Do you suppose?


F  G  F  G     Do you suppose there'll be tomorrow    like yesterday

F  G  F  G     was today's tomorrow?                                 You'd think it'll come again.

F  G  F  G     Do you suppose that might not happen, it’ll all just end?

F  G  F  G     For no obvious reason,                                 oblivion descends.

F C D              Do you suppose?


F  G  F  G     Do you suppose there’s a heaven             where there is no pain

F  G  F  G     where there are no problems                      and everyone is sane?

F  G  F  G     Do you suppose that you'll be there        and you'll remember me?

F  G  F  G     If I ever pained you,                                        I suppose we’ll see.

F C D              Do you suppose?


F  G  F  G     Do you suppose there are more words   to this song

F  G  F  G     who’s point was to touch you                   where you belong?

F  G  F  G     Do you suppose a mere poet                      could do in rhyme

F  G  F  G     what everyone has tried to                           throughout all time?