12) The Next Level                                 11) Resonance


            When the sun sets and night arrives and the
            moon shines in your eyes, we’ll feel the
            fire as we rise. We'll feel the
            fire as we rise.


            You are my woman and I’m your man. We are
            lovers in this land. Like a
            flower in our hand. Like a
            flower in our hand.


            You give your love to me tonight. You
            surround me with your light and your
            touches bring delight. And your
            touches bring delight.

                                                                         Malcolm Mohil
                                                                         "Feed the Flame"

           The next several days were pure bliss for Malcolm and Becky. They both were distracted by each other, unable to focus on their studies, but they didn't care. They were learning more from each other than they would've had they been paying attention in their classes.

           They spent their time together fantasizing about potentials. They were inspiring each other to think good thoughts, to say pleasing words and to love each other fully. They both appreciated having someone around who would make sure they didn't forget what they truly wanted.

           They discovered they had more than an open mind in common. They grew up in the same city and had mutual friends in high school. They liked similar music, similar foods and similar activities. They even had common future plans on where they wanted to live.

           They were sharing with each other stories, dreams and traumatic experiences. Each anecdote brought them closer, as if they were becoming part of one another. They felt the bond between them growing stronger and the love they felt for each other was becoming more real.

           When they were apart, they could sense one another, as if they had a psychic connection. Malcolm knew when Becky was almost hit by a car. He felt tremendous dread the moment it happened. Becky felt a similar feeling at the moment Malcolm was told his childhood dog had died.

           When they were together, one would finish the others sentence as if reading the others' thoughts. One would know if the other was hiding something, or felt uncomfortable to be completely honest, like when Becky was missing Scott. It made things interesting if not somewhat difficult. Sometimes, they felt like they had no privacy. Even their personal thoughts were known, it seemed.

           Malcolm knew what happened one particular day when Becky told Scott about Malcolm. Scott had called her to talk and he asked her if she was seeing anybody else. She hesitated but eventually confessed she was hanging out with Malcolm. Scott was devastated. He went over to Becky's house and had a nervous breakdown. He begged her to come back. He promised to change and things would be better, but she was adamant in refusing his plea. He became violent and broke a mirror in her room. She was scared and threatened to call the police. He fell on the ground and threatened suicide. She tried to comfort him, but consoling didn't help. He lost his lover and his heart was broken. He stood up, walked out of her house and sped off in his car, nearly hitting a little girl on her bike.

           Malcolm felt the tension even though he was two blocks away. Wisely, he chose to stay home. He knew if he were to show his face to Scott, a fight would’ve probably broken out.

           Becky called Malcolm afterwards, telling him the story between sobs. He felt incredibly guilty for being a part of this. He had nothing but compassionate towards Scott. He was Scott and knew exactly how he felt.

           "I want to call him so much. I want to see him and make him feel better," Becky told Malcolm

           Malcolm became jealous and advised her not to do it. "If you call him, it's only going to make things worse. He doesn't want to hear your voice, see your face or even think about you. I know. Every time Sarah called me after we split, I would get incredibly angry and extremely sad. I felt completely empty after she hung up. I felt futile and wished I were dead. It was the worst feeling. That's how he'll feel if you call him."

           She decided not to call him. Malcolm asked her to come over, but she wanted to be alone. He was upset, but tried to understand.

           The next several days were awkward. There was a tension between them that made things feel stiff and unnatural. They had a few arguments. Both were feeling miserable and were wondering if their relationship was right.

           They took some time apart to think things through. During this time, they missed each other but were unwilling to call one another. They both knew they were being stubborn but they chose to be unhappy instead of forgetting what happened and enjoying each other again.

           A week after the Scott incident occurred, Becky decided to call Malcolm. He wasn't home so she left a message. An hour later, Malcolm stopped by her house with a rose he picked from his garden.

           "This rose symbolizes how I've been feeling the last week," Malcolm said. "I have a lot of feelings for you, Becky. I was so tempted to call you but every time I reached for you, my beautiful blooming flower, I felt a pain in my heart, like I was pricked with the thorn. I know you didn't hurt me on purpose and I was being over sensitive. I should've been more understanding about what happened between you and Scott. I just felt guilty and jealous you reacted so emotionally. I'm going to have to accept you still care about him and will still miss him. I don't want to feel insecure because of it. You just ended your relationship with him so it's only natural you’re still processing everything. I still love you and want to hang out with you and if it's all right with you, I want to be your lover again."

           Becky was crying. She reached out her arms and gave him an affectionate hug. "I still love you, too, Malcolm. I've just been so confused. All these emotions've been driving me crazy. I feel so out of control. I'm sorry I hurt you, but I'm not sorry I brought you into my life. This was meant to happen. I know that. We're meant to be together. I want to be your lover, too."

           With that, Malcolm gave her a kiss on the forehead and proceeded to cover her face with his tender lips. They groped for one another and felt the fire of passion burn in them. Becky led Malcolm upstairs into her bedroom.

           "I want you to make love to me, Malcolm. I want to fell your naked body upon mine. I want to feel you inside of me. I'm ready to take our relationship to the next level."

           With those words of encouragement, Malcolm obliged. They made sweet and total love to one another for the first time, sharing each others body until their sweat and flesh melted into one. 


13) True Love