4) Fear and Society             3) Mind of the Masses 

            Maybe I learned about the ones who rule the land behind a gun.
            Business, banks and bureaucrats sell your soul if they had a chance.
            Backed by money, trapped by greed, cut you down like you're a weed
            growing strong above the rest. Conform your self or lose your nest
            of comfort in society, a fascist form of democracy.
            tell us lies, we'll call it truth, condemn the poor and damn the lazy
            youth. Let us cut the noose. 

                                                                         Malcolm Mohil


            "So, what do you study, Malcolm?" Becky asked as she scooted her chair a little closer towards him.

            "In school I study physics. I'm fascinated by the mechanics of nature. I'm amazed at how everything sticks together and runs so smoothly, at least on the non-human side. I'm interested, though, in how humans can live smoothly, too. By understanding these mechanics, I think we can create a more sustainable society."

            "You mean like harnessing solar energy?" Becky asked.

            "Yeah. One dream I have is to create clean, renewable energy sources so we can phase out fossil fuels and nuclear power. It disgusts me we're destroying our planet’s ecosystems just for creature comforts. It seems so selfish and short sighted. Unfortunately, there’s big money to be made in the petroleum industry. They’re a powerful lobby group. As long as they can pay off our lawmakers, funding for renewable energy research will stay low on the priority list. Without significant research investment and sincere commitment for renewable energy, we'll be stuck with our finite polluting energy sources," Malcolm warned.

            "I can't stand politics," Becky added. "It seems like you have to be corrupt in order to be elected into a national office. Politicians seem so phony and untrustworthy."

             "Maybe not necessarily corrupt, but at least willing to compromise their values and willing to not make waves. If somebody stirs things too much, they’re not going to be recognized by either the Democrats or Republicans as being a viable candidate. They don't want to endorse someone who will upset the status quo. Thus, the parties don't fund renegades. They won't get adequate exposure and coverage by the media. They’ll be an unknown face compared to their competitor who will be hyped up. Chances are they won't be elected. So the system continues chugging along, building bombs, wasting money, exploiting resources…" Malcolm paused.

            "Did you know both John Kerry and George W. Bush went to Yale? That they’re both members of Skull and Bones, the secretive fraternity that’s had many members in influential offices? It’s probably not a coincidence both major party candidates are members of this insiders club. They may have some differing views on different issues, but basically they’re in agreement on keeping things the same. They aren’t going to change the system in a way that negatively affects those who are insiders. They appear to jab at each other, but knowing this, it just seems so cynical. The two main candidates running for the most powerful elected position in the world basically are from the same mold.

            "At least we still have beer," Malcolm said cynically as he took another swig of his ale.

            "Do you know what the root of all our problems is, Becky?" Malcolm asked his drinking buddy.

            She thought about all the possible answers: greed, power tripping, hatred, insecurities, capitalism, fascism and others. She thought about her understanding of human psychology. She thought about the connections between the possible answers and human behavior. Something clicked in her, something she never realized before. She looked at Malcolm and said bluntly, "We’re afraid to die."

            "We’re afraid to die. We’re afraid of disappearing. We're afraid of being forgotten. So what do we do? We do whatever we can to stay alive and be comfortable, because we don't want to suffer while we’re alive. Unfortunately, most people aren't aware of what they're doing, let alone why they’re doing it. People will acknowledge they have fears, but fear of death is usually unconscious. Yet, it's so powerful people are willing to set aside their values to insure they won't die.

            "I’m perhaps more guilty knowing this yet hypocritically taking part in the very thing I’m disgusted with," Malcolm affirmed as he heavily sighed.

            "You might know researchers calculated every day, 80,000 acres of tropical rainforest are cut down. That's enormous. Not only do these forests contain millions of plant and animal species, most of which we haven't yet described scientifically, but these forests are also essential for regulating the global climate. What happens to the climate of Earth when too much forest is cut down?

            "They also say the global extinction rate of plants and animals is 1000 times greater than historical averages due to human manipulation of the environment. We’re losing untold numbers of organism every day due to habitat destruction. Like a ship losing the rivets holding it together, Earth can only lose so many species before we sink. Since humans are dependent on a stable environment, we’re one of the species threatened with extinction when the integrity of the planet is compromised.

            "Most people agree poisoning ground water is stupid. We need clean water, but what are we doing? Creating toxic waste manufacturing ‘life-enhancing’ gadgets. Waste disposed of in ways that eventually contaminate ground water. Like what's happened at Love Canal and other contaminated Superfund sites.

            "On top of this, we spray millions of tons of pesticides to insure a steady supply of food to meet our nutritional demands. Chemicals that eventually contaminate ground water. We're threatening the most important element to not only humans but to all of life, yet because we’re afraid to die, we continue down the path of destruction.

            "Fear is a totally natural survival response. Every organism in nature is driven to survive. Squirrels, birds and other animals store food during the winter. Predators kill competitors. They even kill offspring from their own species. Nature's brutal. But nature strives for balance. One species regulates another, which regulates an ecosystem, which regulates Earth. Everything's connected and fear is an important survival instinct pushing creatures to be alert and adaptable. No one wants to be eaten.

            "The problem is our fear has gone overboard. We have taken survival to a new level. Everything's selfish to a certain extent, but some people are willing to accumulate so much wealth without regard to the consequences. They're willing to destroy the world to insure they won’t die. The irony is we’re creating an unhealthy world filled with disease and instability. In the long run, more people will suffer and die as a result of our short-term prevention of death.

            "The terrifying part is most of this is out of us common people's hands. We’re trapped in a system requiring us to pay rent or mortgage, buy food, and cough up taxes to pay for our esteemed military and sports stadiums. We’re forced to scrape by working at dead end jobs just to survive. We don't have time to worry about our neighbor let alone some endangered fish.

            "There are people in control, though. The ones with the wealth giving them power to influence the policies of the institutions forcing the rest of us into servitude. They've developed a pretty cozy scenario for themselves. They control the banks and interest rates. They control the governments and laws. And most importantly, they control the major media outlets and the information most people consume.

            "They also understand how to keep it all together. They give us entertainment to sedate our minds and keep us content. They tell us certain laws are to protect us. They say we need the best military to insure our national security. They've brainwashed us to be unwitting sheep spoiling our own pen.

            "It may sound like a conspiracy theory, but it makes sense to me since there have always been Napoleons and Hitlers popping up throughout history, there probably are a few of these similar humans running around today. They have money, amazing technology and world class education giving them the means to do what tyrants in the past could not. But instead of being so blatant in their rush for power, they’re discrete. They subtlety use their power, wealth and wisdom to manipulate the system to further their ambitions of being the top dog. Only it’s not one dog, but a pack of power thirsty dudes. They're the bad kids on the block, the bullies in our schools, the dark part of everybody's mind.

            "The funny thing is, no amount of power will keep them from dying. They may be able to prolong their lives through modern medical wonders. Perhaps some of them even think they'll gain immortality through cloning or some other freaky science. But in the end, their personality will disappear, though their greedy ambitions will probably be passed on to their children. Thus, we have powerful families with inherited genetic traits of enhanced fear and greed further screwing the world. Natural selection at its worst."

            Malcolm felt the anger of his words make Becky uncomfortable, but he was enraged so he continued on his rant.

            "Not only are these people afraid to die, but they're afraid to lose their grasp on the world. They’re afraid of sharing the wealth. They’re afraid of changing a system that works for them. 

            "The frustrating thing is it's hard to recognize this happening. Since major media outlets are controlled by a very small number of corporations, which are controlled by a very small number of people, stories uncovering the truth aren't publicized widely. The networks might give a token story here or there to not make it seem so obvious our information is being censored, but the fact of the matter is we’re not given the whole story.

            "For instance, the political system supposedly is open to everyone. But in order to be recognized by the major media as being a viable candidate, you have to meet the criteria of the two major political parties that control American politics. Yay, we get two choices in a land filled with endless choices of cheese. 

    “Since both parties are beholden to multi-national corporations because of generous campaign contributions, a person has to sell out in order to get airtime. If a person sells out, chances are he or she won't be pressing for major reforms in the system. Thus, the political system's rigged because the people who fear change control the media, which controls the minds of the masses. We're stuck while, ironically, the rest of the world's coming unglued," Malcolm finished, taking a deep breath.

            Both he and Becky were upset. They felt used and powerless to do anything about it.

            "I think most people who are aware believe this scenario. It really does make sense. But since we're all dealing with our own personal problems, we aren’t going to worry about the big picture," Becky admitted.

            "It's depressing, isn't it?" Malcolm sighed, not expecting an obvious answer.

            "Hey, Malcolm, I've really enjoyed talking with you tonight. You've definitely given me a lot to think about. But I should get going. I've got a test tomorrow I need to study for. Maybe you'd like to get together again to chat some more?" Becky asked.

            "I'd love to. I really like talking about things like this. I don't do it enough. It's nice to be able to share my ideas with someone. So, thanks for being open minded. If you're ever near Rose Park, I live on Oak Street."

            "Are you serious?" Becky exclaimed. "I live on Alpha Street!"

            "Then you must live practically next door. Alpha Street is one of the cross streets on my block. I live at 503 Oak. It's the brick house with the giant Granny Smith apple tree in the front yard," Malcolm said.

            "I know that house! I've tasted those apples and admired that house many times. Maybe I'll stop by on my way home from school sometime." Becky said.


            With that, Becky got up, gave Malcolm a hug, said good-bye, and left Malcolm hoping that sometime would be tonight. 

5) Salmon